About TALA

How to join

You are a logistic independent provider?

You want to expand your expertise with other expert owners?

You have a real expertise in aerospace industry?

You want to share the TALA Brand


Membership is based on different criteria. To become a TALA affiliate there are specific requirements:

• You endorse and respect our code of ethics and core values.

• Apart from big markets, you may apply for membership where there is no affiliate yet.

• You must certify (and demonstrate) your expertise in logistics dedicated to Aerospace (ownership, type of business, financial statement…)

• You agree to expand and share your expertise with other logistics experts.

• You accept to use the TALA marketing tools and promote the brand by all means.

• You accept to participate to our annual conferences and participate to the sales meetings that are regularly organized.

• You accept to provide to TALA Inc. images, business cases to be displayed on our communication platforms.


If you are prepared to fulfil these requirements, please continue to next step
and make contact with us:


TALA Network Limited

450 Bath Road
UB7 0EB Heathrow London
United Kingdom


Let's stay in touch

Copyright © 2022 TALA. All rights reserved.